Industry Insights

By 2025, Baby Product Market Size To Reach USD 121.0 Billion2017-08-28

The global baby product market is expected to reach USD 121.0 billion by 2025, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc.

Baby-Led Weaning Recip Book2017-05-26

Chicco has teamed up with the UK’s No. 1 children’s cookery author Annabel Karmel for an exciting partnership ahead of the launch of her latest book.

Mothercare Directorate Change2017-05-12

Richard Smothers resigns as Chief Financial Officer/Executive Director

German parents are worried about product deficiencies in toys2017-04-07

The SGS consumer study “Product Safety in Consumer Goods”suggests that more than 70% of Germans are afraid that their children will be harmed by deficient products.

The “Made in Germany” seal is the world’s most popular designation of origin2017-03-31

According to the 2017 Made-In-Country Index from the market research company Statista, “Made in Germany” is the world’s strongest designation of origin label for goods and services.

An Overview of Quality Child Care2017-03-30

How do you know that they really are doing a good job though? Learn how to evaluate your decision and assess the quality of a child care center or provider.

A Great Start of the Season2017-03-24

Like the clever eco-cotton ‘knotted’ sleeping bags with non-toxic prints – of, for instance, a mermaid’s tail or magnified measuring tape – from the Canadian label Electrik Kidz that made its debut in the European market at the event.